New Product Improves Process Performance, Reliability, and Safety

LIBERTY, MO, October 27, 2021 – Continental Disc Corporation today launched a new product, the IntegrX-HPX, addressing the need to improve process performance, reliability, and safety within the biopharmaceutical industry. The IntegrX-HPX combines the unrivaled performance of the legendary HPX with ASME BPE compliant crevice-free design, removing the need for integral seals.

Traditional sanitary rupture disc designs limit access to the full spectrum of benefits delivered by HPX technology. Manufactured and tested to optimize service life and performance, the new IntegrX-HPX is a semi-circular, scored, reverse-acting rupture disc, perfectly suited for cyclic process conditions from full vacuum to 95% of the stamped rating.

“The pioneering and innovative IntegrX-HPX offers a unique opportunity to boost efficiency, safety, and drive down costs by extending the service life,” says Thomas Caldwell, VP of Global Sales & Marketing at Continental Disc Corporation. “The bold new design reduces maintenance, minimizes the chance of installation damage, and allows you to control the source and type of seal material without affecting disc performance.”

With the disc built into a cartridge, the robust welded design of the IntegrX-HPX mitigates the impact of downstream piping loads on the disc burst pressure and overall performance. The incorporated external tag aids installation and provides clearly visible identification in the field and easy access to marked data.


About CDC:

Continental Disc Corporation is a leading manufacturer of rupture discs, pressure- and vacuum-relief valves, and other safety-critical pressure-relief products. Continental Disc Corporation serves diverse end markets globally, including chemical, oil and gas, pharmaceutical, aerospace, defense, and industrial markets. Headquartered in Liberty, Missouri, Continental Disc Corporation was founded in 1965 and operates three manufacturing facilities in the U.S. and India. Learn more:



Media Contact:

Jennifer Kurzava
Corporate Communications Manager
(816) 407-5614

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