The CDC Flow Lab Is a Leader in the Rupture Disc Testing Field

Rupture discs, also commonly known as pressure safety discs or burst discs, are integral and critical parts of the safety design for pressurized equipment. These discs are intended to rupture or burst at a certain pressure to relieve stress from a system. A disc that bursts at too low of a pressure will unnecessarily halt the given process, while a disc that does not burst at its designed pressure exposes the system to a potentially catastrophic failure.

Because they are such a critical component in a pressurized system, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) has developed and refined a set of codes and guidelines for the testing of rupture discs. Not having the ability to test pressure relief devices under actual flowing conditions may lead to product that does not perform as intended.

Continental Disc Corporation (CDC), established in 1965, has been a leader in the industry of designing and testing rupture discs, becoming the first rupture disc company to construct an ASME-certified flow laboratory, and the only rupture disc company with an ASME-certified liquid loop. The CDC Flow Lab was used to develop the KR Flow Restriction Test Method, now employed by all rupture disc manufacturers with an ASME-certified product.

Since its inception and ASME certification in June of 1986, the CDC Flow Lab has tested numerous rupture discs, pressure relief valves, and other pressure relief devices for companies across the globe. The CDC Flow Lab allows for these pressure relief devices to be tested under pressurized flowing scenarios, accurately simulating the actual conditions under which the devices will be utilized. It is a great tool for Research and Development work, to test under actual flowing conditions. This testing is not only in line with the goals of the ASME, but has helped further the research and betterment of pressure relief devices. The CDC Flow Lab has tested valves from manufacturers in the United States, Europe and Asia for ASME, UL, and Factory Mutual (FM).

ASME, a not-for-profit organization comprised of over 4,700 mechanical engineering professionals, scientists, government officials, and others, is a leader in the development of international codes and standards on a wide breadth of engineering topics. With over 100 years of experience developing and publishing codes and standards, ASME is a well-respected and trusted source for engineering guidelines, and the CDC Flow Lab is proud to have received its certification.

The CDC Flow Lab is a high tech laboratory equipped with precision temperature and pressure gauges, custom software, and a 16 channel high-speed data acquisition system able to capture up to 500,000 data points per second, making it compliant with the strict ASME Performance Test Code (PTC-25). It has performed hundreds of flow tests on rupture disc products over the decades to optimize their performance. CDC has many of the lowest ASME KR factors for compressible (air/vapor) fluids and incompressible fluids (water).

Working with pressurized equipment presents significant risks, and pressure relief devices are major part of protecting people and assets. With over 50 years in the industry, Continental Disc Corporation has the experience and expertise necessary to test and analyze pressure relief devices in flowing environments to incredible detail. By receiving its ASME certification 13 years ahead of the next rupture disc flow lab in 1999, and being the only one with an ASME-certified liquid loop, the CDC Flow Lab has established a reputation as a leader in rupture disc testing field. When you partner with us, you can do so confidently.

To learn more about our credentials, company history, and services, visit us at or review our Flow Test Laboratory Literature.

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